industrial services


Recordable Incidents Since 2017

53+ Months


Approved Industrial Facilities Throughout The Gulf Coast


Square Feet of
Building Construction
Completed Inside
Industrial Facilities


Industrial Projects

Administrative Buildings
Control Rooms
Storage Buildings
Process Structures
Fire Houses
Guard Houses
MCC Buildings
Switchgear Rooms
Building Skins
view our portfolio

Industrial Solutions for the Gulf Coast

Arkel Constructors Industrial Services was formed to meet the needs of the industrial sector along the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida. We oversee projects ranging from small office renovations to new building and laboratory construction. Our staff are veterans of the construction industry and are focused on delivering solutions to clients in a safe, and cost-effective method.

industrial services:

Self Performed Work
view our capabilities

safety is a top priority

While quality and productivity are our goals, they will never take precedence over the safety of our personnel or project sites. Our commitment to safety extends from our employees to our entire team of subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors we work with. Everyone that works on our projects must adopt and work within our Safety Program. From top management down, we are committed to the safety of our employees, subcontractors, clients, and the general public we work with each day.

At Arkel Constructors Industrial Services, we are members of and participate in the adjacent safety auditing services and organizations.

clients we serve

ready to get started?

Arkel Constructors works every day to deliver the highest and most comprehensive level of construction services to our clients. From the initial introduction to the project closeout, Arkel Constructors' commitment to our clients is what has enabled us to become a contractor of choice along the Gulf Coast. Click the Get in Touch button below to get started.

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